Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder pain in Golfers can occur when the muscles situated around the Shoulder become inflamed or damaged during the continued swinging of the golf club. The Rotator Cuff issues with Impingement Syndrome being the main culprit begin with inflammation, if this inflammation is not addressed and continues over a long period of time, partial tears may develop which may eventually become a tear all the way through one or more of the Rotator Cuff muscles, TMS Well Being can help you and hopefully avoid the latter part of this scenario.

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain is the most common issue with Golfers, even the most Professional Golfer suffers with this issue and their swing is generally perfect. When it comes to golfers like you and me who perhaps don’t swing perfect this is when the spine deviates from the vertical during the swing and the pressure is placed on the Lower Back. It would be an advantage for us to seek advice on our swing, in the meantime come and see TMS Well Being and we can help eliminate this Lower Back Pain making your next round a little more comfortable.

Knee Pain

Weight bearing and rotational forces on the knee during the golf swing, in addition to prolonged walking can aggravate existing knee injuries and lead to knee pain, particularly in the leading knee. Treatment to the Quadriceps and Hamstring muscle will be carried out by TMS Well Being, with strength exercises being encouraged to provide support for the affected joint.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is thickening of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue running underneath the sole of the foot, the thickening can be due to recent damage or injury, or can be because of an accumulation of smaller injuries over the years. Plantar fasciitis can be painful and a number of factors can contribute to Plantar Fasciitis and the symptoms include pain in the bottom of your foot, especially at the front or centre of the heel bone, pain is usually worse when first rising in the morning. It can be caused by taking up a new form of exercise like running and one area TMS Well Being will look at in the very first instance is tight calves and Achilles tendons and work on these areas which in turn should limit that pain you might be experiencing.